We can help with a limited set of data migration.
Because getting data in can be such a struggle, our team is ready to help. If you can get your data into the follownig spreadsheets, we will import it so that you've got an easier starting place with HomeKeeper.
Since our time is limited, we can't do full migrations of entire systems, but we can import:
- Your property records
- Your applicant and homeowner files
- Including: Primary and co-applicant contact information, demographic information, basic purchase information
- Not including: Income certification, detailed household member information, detailed income information, loan or grant information
If you want help with more extensive data migration, we recommend working with a third party Salesforce consultant who's familiar with HomeKeeper.
The Import Spreadsheets
How to Use Them
2. Look at the picklist values you'll need to use for fields with orange column headers

When you enter your data, you'll need to use one of the listed Status options for the Property Status column so we can successfully import into Salesforce.