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How to Get HomeKeeper Support (HomeKeeper Basics)

You're bound to have HomeKeeper questions. If its related to the custom objects of HomeKeeper, we can help. Sometimes you might need to contact Salesforce Support or the ask questions in the Salesforce Foundation's Power of Us Hub for support, but you can always contact us and we'll help, or point you in the right direction.

Please note that the HomeKeeper KnowledgeBase is not intended to replace general Salesforce Support, Assistance with the Non-Profit Salesforce Package, or any other support requiring advanced configuration or salesforce development.  If you ask a question beyond our scope of expertise, we will do our best to let you know and/or refer you to other resources.

Remember you can always access HomeKeeper by going to or clicking on the support tab in HomeKeeper. Make sure you're signed in and have an account. To get in touch with HomeKeeper staff you'll need to:


1. Log into

1. Log into

Click on login and enter your email address and password. This may not be the same as your password.

Note: As of 1.7 you do not need to log in to submit a request, but you do need to be logged in to see your organizations' existing requests.  

1. Search the forums for an answer to your question

1. Search the forums for an answer to your question

2. Submit a ticket

2. Submit a ticket

Click on "Submit a Request" or "Get Help."

Enter a subject, a description and hit submit.

3. E-Mail

3. E-Mail

Send us an e-mail detailing what problem you're running into and we'll do our best to help!

Have more questions? Submit a request


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